Orenburg residents pay little for garbage collection

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The head of the city of Orenburg in an interview with the TV company answered a question about garbage.

According to the mayor, the MSW removal operator works “with investment unattractiveness.” Translated into civilian language, the population pays little to the company! As an example, Vladimir Ilinykh named the price in the Sverdlovsk region – 146 rubles. And we have only 96! It turns out – it will not be enough … Only if you shift this to an average family of four, the figure increases significantly – 384 rubles, because even for a baby registered in an apartment you have to pay.

The fact that something is wrong with the garbage reform was revealed by citizens at the very beginning of its implementation in the region. Either they did not think it over, or they made the wrong bet. “Nature” makes excuses to the media, transferring the problem to the mayor’s office. City Hall blames the former contractor. And people watch the mountains of garbage in the yards and wonder why there were no problems before the reform? Bucky stood worse. But it was clean! There has never been such that it is impossible to approach them. And building materials with sawn branches did not rot for weeks. Why was it cleaner before the export price increase? Did the former operator give a damn about investment attractiveness? He was just doing his job.

Instead of putting things in order, officials look for excuses. Compare. And representatives of management companies, for whom the reform has also become a nightmare, predict that the case may end with the responsibility shifted onto them. They, in turn, will have to get into the pockets of the population to recoup the costs. Vicious circle!

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