On Sakhalin, the driver almost drowned in a car wash

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A resident of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Alexei Bayandin fell into a pit of snow porridge with chemicals at a car wash and nearly drowned. He told about this to the portal astv.ru.

According to the driver, on January 8, he left the car in the washing box, and then returned for the phone and fell headlong into a hole, the depth of which, according to him, exceeded 2 m.

Alexey noted that he was wearing fishing boots, overalls and a thick down jacket, which were soaked in water and began to pull him down. It was not easy to get out of the hole, the experience of a diver helped, the driver said.

He also clarified that he was reproached several times for not having noticed the pit. One, he said, was difficult to do because of the steam at the car wash and because the pit was filled to the brim with snow.

“You boldly take a step in his direction and immediately find yourself under water. In a terrible snow porridge mixed with chemicals. The dive is guaranteed to be complete, so your diving skills will come in handy, ”Bayandin said.

As the manager of the car wash explained, earlier the service provided oil change services. Because of this, there were service pits. After what happened, they decided to fence them off.

In November, it was reported that a pensioner fell into a pit dug by power engineers in Saratov. Passers-by tried to pull the woman out on their own, but they could not do this and called the rescue service.

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