Olive Oil – Why This is the World’s Oldest Miracle Food

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Olive oil is a pure juice extracted from the fruits of the olive tree. It has been cultivated around the Mediterranean for over 5,000 years and is used in various fuels, foods, medicines, and cosmetics.

Greece is one of the three largest producers of olive oil-Olive oil on Crete is the best.

Olive oil (especially extra virgin olive oil) has recently been recognized as one of the healthiest foods available, increasing resistance to many severe illnesses and fostering longevity, the curse of Western countries. I’m doing it.

Isn’t olive oil fat?

Olive oil is incomparable to other fats and oils, and poor horses are better than no horses. Of course, it contains fat, but it’s the best “fat” you can eat, and it’s good for you.

Olive oil is the only oil produced without cleansing, chemical, or unnatural processes. Therefore, it retains the benefits of all (essential) vitamins and minerals.

Olive oil:

Lower cholesterol

Free of saturated and trans fats

It contains natural non-steroidal anti-inflammatory chemicals that help reduce the severity and pain of gout and asthma.

It contains phenols, vitamin E, and other antioxidants that protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals, thereby preventing malignant tumors and delaying aging.

Which olive oil is better?

You can choose from several classes of oil.

Extra virgin olive oil is extracted from olives and is heat-treated or otherwise treated to produce pure and refined oil. This is the most expensive, especially if you have to use it to get dressed.

Extra virgin olive oil is sourced from a second juicer and remains high quality and tasty oil. It is used to add herbs (including salad dressings).

Pure olive oil is made by filtration or refining. This oil is cheap and can be used for deep-fried foods, and all heating should be done this way. It is very durable and can be used over and over again without sacrificing taste or quality.

Which olive oil should I buy?

Olive oil is in great demand because it benefits people, especially compared to other fats and fats. But who produces the best olive oil?

For this reason, worldwide manufacturers use automated, unnatural manufacturing methods. Since this is the standard for Virginia supplement labels, so-called extra virgin oils can also be acidic.

More efficient production methods have been developed by automating oil demand and increasing production concentration at the most significant plant ever. These methods result in products that are low in nutrients.

Olive oil production is almost complete on the Greek island of Crete. Small communities grow olive trees and produce oil for themselves, their restaurants, and their communities.

From November to February, families walk through the olive trees of Crete, where they harvest and are wrapped in shawls and scarves to avoid the cold in the morning. From time to time, you’ll hear a small mechanical flying machine low-flying drone slowly watering olive-filled branches-a relief in the mechanical era.

Because of this tradition, many say you can believe in the organic and raw nature of organic Cretan olive oil.

Looking at the soil of Crete, olives have all the benefits. You can see why the olive oil in Crete is so delicious. Millions of years ago, rain washed away minerals and nutrients from this mountain island’s mountains and placed them in coastal plains and valleys. There are rows and rows of olive trees. 30 million of them!