Obligatory labeling of pets in Russia to begin in 2021

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As Izvestia was informed in the Ministry of Agriculture, the draft law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation to Improve the Legal Regulation of Relations in the Field of Veterinary Medicine” will be considered and adopted by the State Duma by the end of the year. We are talking about amendments to the legislation, which introduce compulsory registration and labeling of pets in Russia.

“In order to prevent the spread of infectious animal diseases, as well as to identify the sources and routes of spread of pathogens of infectious animal diseases, the procedure for marking and recording animals should be mandatory. The bill stipulates that the marking of animals is carried out by their owners at their own expense or through the involvement of other persons, ”the press service of the ministry explained to Izvestia.

The department noted that animal owners have the right to independently choose the type of marking agent from those that will be provided for by the Veterinary Rules, depending on the type of animal. So, along with chipping, tags, tattoos, brands, rings, collars and other methods can be used.

“The owners will be held administratively liable for failure to fulfill this obligation. Currently, Article 10.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses establishes liability for violation of veterinary rules, according to which the amount of fines for citizens varies from 500 to 1000 rubles, ”the department added.

Read more in the exclusive material of Izvestia:

The time will come for the cat: Russians will be obliged to label animals at their own expense from 2021

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