Nutritionist spoke about breakfasts provoking drowsiness

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Popular morning meals like instant cereals and cereals can make you feel sleepy. Nutritionist Elena Solomatina told about this in an interview with the radio station “Moscow speaking”.

According to the specialist, the reason is that these foods have a high glycemic index and increase blood sugar levels.

“It is fraught with the fact that we will quickly want to eat, and in the first working hours we will suffer and fall asleep, feeling hungry. The same applies to cereals, ”Solomatina said.

The nutritionist clarified that it is permissible to consume whole grain cereals. However, Solomatina advised not to add to such food, for example, toast with jam, as this will increase the carbohydrate load on the pancreas.

Among other things, the specialist advised to abandon freshly squeezed juices.

“Freshly squeezed juices can really be dangerous, especially on an empty stomach, they contain a large amount of organic acids,” the specialist warned.

She also stressed that one or two of these breakfasts will not affect human health in any way, but it is not recommended to consume these foods on a regular basis.

Earlier, on February 27, Ph.D., therapist and nutritionist Rimma Moysenko spoke about fruits. which can harm the body up to the onset of diabetes.