Nutritionist pointed out the importance of focusing on food while eating

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Gastroenterologist, nutritionist Nuria Dianova said that for a normal digestion process, the brain must “see” a plate of food.

According to the specialist, for example, if a person eats on the go or at the computer, then his brain does not record the fact of a meal.

“The drivers contacted me for advice, and they could hardly remember what they ate during the day. While they were driving, they ate mechanically, and the brain did not track it. In addition, brain activity switches to what we are looking at, and therefore we mechanically absorb food, ”writes RT on Saturday, March 17.

Dianova stressed that as far as a person feels the taste of food, the feeling of satiety will be of the highest quality.

If you are distracted during a meal, this contributes to weight gain, since it seems to a person that he did not eat, so he again feels hungry.

On April 16, nutritionist Svetlana Fus said that the evening menu should include vegetables, fish, meat, poultry and eggs. Eating should begin three to four hours before bedtime.