Nutritionist named oil that should not be used for frying

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Vegetable, butter, fat – anyone who loves to cook prefers some kind of oil for frying vegetables, meat or fish. According to gastroenterologist and nutritionist Irina Berezhnaya, butter is not the best choice. When heated over 70 degrees, free radicals are formed in it. If you consume such food for a long time, the likelihood of developing cancer increases.

Lard, like cold butter, is safe in terms of cholesterol metabolism. However, it is too high in calories, and free radicals are produced in the same way at high heating temperatures.

“It is better to fry food in olive oil, because it is the only oil that does not give rise to free radicals at high temperatures.”, – explained Irina Berezhnaya on Sputnik radio.

We will remind, earlier we told that some spiders weave poisonous webs with neurotoxins.

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