Not Russia and China, but Democrats: Trump announced the main danger in the upcoming elections

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US President Donald Trump spoke out about “fraud” in the upcoming US elections. He believes that in this regard, the democrats are a greater danger than the Russian Federation, China or Iran. The president said this at a press conference at the White House.

Trump has once criticized the postal vote.

“Democrats want $ 3.5 billion in mail-order voting nationwide. This will be the greatest fraud in election history. You always talk about Russia, China and Iran when it comes to elections, but your biggest problem will be with the Democrats, not with Russia, China or Iran, ”Trump said.

He will also recall that, in his opinion, the Democrats spied on his 2016 campaign. Trump said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer are holding the American people “hostage” by opposing a new stimulus package amid the coronavirus crisis.

Earlier, Trump said that if Joe Biden wins the election, China will take over the United States and the Americans will have to learn Chinese. According to him, the Chinese authorities will take over the US if Biden wins, and with him “they had the worst year in 67 years” because Trump imposed high tariffs on them. The US President added that Washington received tens of billions of dollars from China, which had a huge “negative impact on the PRC.”

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