No more than 46 rubles per kg of sugar must be taken from Smolyan until the end of March

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By admin

The Smolensk administration carries out daily monitoring of retail prices for granulated sugar and sunflower oil.

The government decided to limit the maximum wholesale cost of granulated sugar and sunflower oil, as well as their maximum retail cost. At retail, granulated sugar should be sold at no more than 46 rubles per kilogram, and butter – 110 rubles per liter. The measure will be in effect until the end of the first quarter of 2021.

The Consumer Market Department of the Smolensk City Administration informed the entrepreneurs, that if the maximum maximum retail prices for these products are found to be overstated, information will be promptly sent to the FAS of Russia in the Smolensk Region, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Smolensk Region for appropriate control. In addition, the tax authorities will control prices through the information of online cash registers.

As promised in the mayor’s office, unscrupulous business entities will be brought to administrative responsibility.

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