New musical instruments appeared in the Uvarov children’s art school

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New musical instruments have appeared in the Uvarov children’s art school. The material and technical renovation of the educational institution is carried out within the framework of the national project “Culture”.

New violins, pianos, balalaikas, guitars, and a drum set were brought to the school. The pupils of the school acquired a concert button accordion, flute, accordion, double bass, saxophones, and domras. In addition, the educational institution will equip a virtual concert hall. The DSHI allocated over 3.2 million rubles for all work under the national project.

A projector has already been delivered to the virtual concert hall, a screen has been hung up here, a modern mixing console has been installed, and chairs have been purchased. The school has high-speed internet.

“Along with the instruments, the institution ordered new speakers, microphones, laptops, interactive whiteboards, choreographic and choral machines, a screen for a puppet theater, easels for young artists and musical literature. The light and acoustic equipment will be updated, and thanks to the equipment for sound recording, the institution will have its own studio, ”the Uvarov city administration informed.

The process of positive changes was appreciated by the head of the city Vladislav Denisov.

– I am sure that updating the material and technical base of the art school, creating a virtual concert hall will help the institution expand its capabilities, reveal the talents of children and reach new heights. I wish both children and teachers inspiration and success in their work, – said the head of the city.

The Rasskazovskaya School of Arts also received new musical instruments.