Netanyahu removes joint photo with Trump from Twitter

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has deleted a joint photo with the current US President Donald Trump, which has long been on the cover of his Twitter account. On Tuesday, January 12, Reuters drew attention to this fact.

The agency notes that a photo of Netanyahu, sitting next to Trump at a meeting at the White House, has long occupied the main place in the official account of the Israeli prime minister.

At the same time, last month the photo was briefly replaced with a thematic image on the occasion of the Hanukkah celebration. Then the media wrote that Netanyahu decided to distance himself from Trump, but after the holiday, the Prime Minister again put a joint photo with the American leader, but already in the company of ministers from the UAE and Bahrain.

On the morning of Tuesday, January 12, the snapshot was changed: now on the cover of Netanyahu’s account there is a photo in which he is depicted during the coronavirus vaccination. It also contains the inscription: “Citizens of Israel, we return to life.”

Earlier, on January 8, Twitter permanently blocked Trump’s account “for the risk of further incitement to violence.”

The restrictions on the work of the American leader’s Twitter account began after a publication in which he called for calm amid protests in Washington, and after that he recorded a video message calling on supporters to disperse. The social network has blocked the function of retweeting the post with a video message, explaining this “risk of violence.”

On January 6, during a congressional meeting summing up the election results, Trump supporters broke into the Capitol and rioted.

There were clashes with police, during which dozens of people were injured on both sides. Five people died, including a seriously injured police officer. After the incident, the Democrats called for the removal of Trump from power.

Many political scientists and experts condemned the blocking of Trump’s social media accounts, which, in addition to Twitter, was joined by Facebook Instagram and Snapchat. According to Russian Senator Alexei Pushkov, such actions are a manifestation of censorship.

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