Near Volgograd, two Chinese residents are suspected of extortion of money

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In the Nikolaevsky area, investigators opened a criminal case on extortion of money from employees.

As reported press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Volgograd Region, On August 5 this year, the police received a statement from a 52-year-old resident of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The man officially worked in the greenhouse economy of the Nikolaev region. According to him, 3 months ago he and six fellow countrymen arrived in the Volgograd region. Having received a patent, they began to work under the guidance of two residents of China. Employers at some point stopped paying salaries to their subordinates. The workers then hired another farmer, and the previous employers were asked to return their passports. However, they were denied this, moreover, they were threatened with reprisals and demanded 140 thousand rubles for the return of documents.

The workers refused and went to the police.

As a result of a special operation carried out by the FSB and police officers, the extortion suspects were detained. They turned out to be residents of China, 28 and 45 years old. The suspects pleaded guilty in part.

A criminal case has been initiated, the attackers face imprisonment up to 7 years.

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