Near Sverdlovsk, a man lived for nine days with the body of a murdered partner

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In the Sverdlovsk region, a man kept the corpse of his partner for nine days under a sofa in a dorm room, writes on Friday, October 30.

According to 53-year-old Viktor D., he beat 42-year-old Marina P. and then put her still alive under the sofa. The incident happened in the winter, but the daughter of the deceased told the details only now. Throughout the days, while the body was in the room, the man received guests and participated in the search for his partner.

The daughter of the deceased woman said that Viktor D. repeatedly beat her and her mother.

“In the end he finished her off and hid the body in the sofa. I believe that a person should be punished fairly. And he is being tried under Article 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Intentional infliction of moderate harm to health,” the girl said.

In addition, she said that the man turned on the electric heater and put it in front of the sofa so that the body would decompose faster. He also wanted to get rid of the corpse and take it to the trash, but he was afraid that someone might notice him.

The last time the daughter of the deceased saw her mother alive was on December 29. A police officer came to search the suspect’s room on January 8. According to a neighbor, during the search, the man was sitting on the sofa, and when asked to get off, he replied that the sofa would not open. Then the policeman dragged the man off the sofa by force and found the body.

The girl learned about the death of her mother in the seventh month of pregnancy. Despite the experience, she gave birth to a healthy boy and named him Maxim, as the deceased wanted.

“I was jealous of my mother for me. He even told her: “Choose, either me or your daughter.” Mom left him, it happened that she was hiding with me, ”the girl shared.

It is noted that earlier Victor D. had been repeatedly convicted, served sentences under criminal articles for robbery, theft and torture.

On October 27, it was reported that in the Novosibirsk region, a 14-year-old schoolgirl gave birth to a child and hid it from adults in the freezer. The newborn froze to death.

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