Mourning the Presidency

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By admin

A month. It will be a month this Tuesday that a majority of Americans will have shown the door to Donald Trump. He still doesn’t take it. A month is a long time when the future of a country is paralyzed.

Everyone knows the famous stages of loss and mourning. They apply equally well in politics; ask the candidates and elected officials who lost their elections. Donald Trump, whatever he thinks of it, is no exception.

First, there is denial and isolation, which the defeated president saw, locked in the White House falsely repeating that the election was rigged. He does not want to admit anything so much that he sacked the expert from his administration who had certified that the ballot had been the safest in American history.


Follows the anger Trump is expressing in the way he’s best at mastering: 140 character rants on Twitter. The negotiation stage in this case takes the aggressive form of legal challenges.

In this regard, the president’s lawyers accumulate defeats like that of Friday in the federal court of appeal where a judge – appointed by Trump – rejected the request with contempt: “It is not by calling an election unjust that ‘she becomes. “

Depression will follow, then acceptance, but there is a reason to be made: it is quite possible that Donald Trump will never accept his defeat.


Meanwhile, nothing quite right is happening in the country. All those who owe their position in the state to the Republican president are reluctantly collaborating on the transition to a Democratic administration.

Trump’s supporters, whipped up by tweets as angry as they are falsehood, are sinking deeper into bitterness and a taste for revenge every day. And as he lets it be known that he will stand again in 2024 if the electoral college ends up confirming the victory of Joe Biden, it is his own party that he paralyzes.

A campaign for the presidency is brewing for years; you need a program, make yourself known and collect astronomical sums of money. We can already predict that if Trump hangs on, no one will have the audacity to challenge him. This is the damage he has done to the Republican Party.


Still, Republicans have a good time keeping their hopes up. Everyone agrees, Joe Biden, at 78, will be a passing president.

Everything will have to start over in four years. Faced with the Democrats, will the Grand Old Party favor moderation – with Larry Hogan, the current governor of Maryland – or headlong rush … with Don Junior, the president’s eldest son?

Donald Trump, in the meantime, sticks to the scorched earth policy and everything is muddled: politics, his successor’s government, the Republican Party and frankly, the entire country.

From the one who claimed to want ” make America great again », We will go back to patriotism.

In 2024, if not Donald Trump, one of them maybe

The heirs of the Trump administration …


Vice-president, 61 years old

  • He will have been faithful to the president until the end.
  • Very popular with the religious electorate.


Secretary of State, 56 years old

  • A pure and hard among the Republicans, coupled with a diplomat profile.


Ex-ambassador to the UN, 48 years old

  • Her experience as governor of South Carolina adds to her credibility.

The more traditional Republicans …


Texas Senator, 49

  • One of the most Machiavellian politicians of his generation.


Governor of Maryland, 64

  • He openly stood up to Trump: good and bad.


Florida Senator, 49

  • Cuban parents, a major asset.

Dangerous and confusing


Eldest son of the president, 42 years old


Host, FOX News, 51

  • They both propagate the discredited theories of a fraudulent presidential election.
  • Very popular with the president’s strongest supporters.

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