Moscow veterinarians rescue a puppy who was put under a train in Tver

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Surgeon Nikolai Malyshev saves the life of a puppy in Moscow, who was put on the tracks in Tver. This was reported by the “Initiative Group for the Protection of Animals in Tver.”

– The surgeon removed all the broken bones and started “sculpting” a new pug puppy. Including plastic surgery of the nasal passages. Now, special tubes are installed in the baby’s nose so that the new nose does not overgrow, ” the post says.

Let’s remind this terrible story: an unknown person put two puppies on the rails, one died under the train. The second survived, but was seriously injured.

Now the puppy is in the hospital in Redkino, and in a week she will be welcomed again in Moscow. Meanwhile, the group’s volunteers are trying to choose a name for the puppy: Eva or Frosya.

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