More than 70% of Vologda schools are ready to accept more children

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The head of the education department Irina Gulyaeva spoke about the work of educational institutions in Vologda during a live broadcast.

Now in the regional capital 42 educational institutions have been opened, eight of them maintain a one-shift mode of operation. These are schools # 6, 8, 19, 25, 31, 32, 35, 42, as well as schools for children with disabilities. The number of institutions that accept more and more children has increased to 74%.

The tenth grades are divided into profiles. Socio-economic and technological directions were chosen by 23% of schoolchildren, natural science – 21%, humanitarian – 20% and universal – 13% of children. “We are implementing the federal state educational standard program in grades 1-10 inclusive. Eleventh graders study according to the new federal standard already in nine schools in the city, ”said Irina Gulyaeva.

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