More than 11.7 thousand cases of COVID-19 detected per day in Ukraine

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Over the past day, 11,742 new cases of COVID-19 were registered in Ukraine. This was announced on Saturday, December 19, by the Minister of Health of Ukraine Maxim Stepanov.

“In particular, 547 children and 481 health workers fell ill,” he wrote on his Facebook page. Hospitalized per day 2 865 infected, 13 314 patients recovered, 213 died.

Most of the new cases of infection were registered in the capital Kiev – 1,364, in the Odessa region – 1,161 and the Zaporozhye region – 829. The total number of COVID-19 cases reached 956,123, during the same period 574,536 people recovered, 16,469 patients died.

On December 17, a three-day mourning was announced in Kharkov in connection with the death of the mayor of the city, Gennady Kernes. He died in Germany from complications of the coronavirus.

On December 11, the mayor of Odessa, Gennady Trukhanov, who was previously diagnosed with coronavirus, announced his hospitalization in an infectious diseases hospital.

The first case of coronavirus infection in Ukraine was detected on March 3 in the Chernivtsi region. Currently, and until February 28, 2021, by decision of the government, an emergency regime is in effect in the country, as well as a general quarantine, from January 8 to January 24, 2021 it will be further strengthened.

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