Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer relieved at not being picked as Biden’s VP

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Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said she would have accepted an offer to serve as Joe Biden’s running mate — but admitted to relief at not being picked.

Whitmer became an early favorite to join the Democratic ticket after he vowed to select a woman as his vice-presidential partner.

“If Joe Biden had called and said ‘I need you to be my partner and be my running mate’ I would have said yes,” she told a FOX affiliate in Detroit. “This election was that important.”

But when asked about her reaction to Kamala Harris ultimately being tapped, Whitmer was candid.

“There might have been a sigh of relief over here at the governor’s residence,” Whitmer said. “I think everyone was pleased with the outcome.”

A co-chair of Biden’s campaign, she said he reached out to her at one point to explore a possible spot on the ticket.

“This is the God’s honest truth,” she said. “When he called and asked me to go through the vetting I was shocked.”

The Michigan pol has fully endorsed Biden’s selection of Harris and tweeted out her support at the time.

“I am extraordinarily proud to support @KamalaHarris and @JoeBiden! They will be a fierce team to Build America Back Better,” Whitmer posted.

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