Many EU countries are tightening measures to combat the pandemic

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All of Europe is fighting the second wave of the crown with drastic measures. The situation is especially dire in some of Germany’s neighbors.


The Luxembourg government has imposed a night curfew. From 11:00 pm to 6:00 am, residents are no longer allowed to leave their homes, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel said Friday. The measures also include a ban on gatherings of more than four people, including in bars and restaurants. Initially, the duration of the restrictions was introduced for one month.


In Poland, gastronomy is closed for two weeks. Distance learning on a computer was prescribed for all students from grade 4. Children and adolescents under 16 years old are allowed to leave the house or apartment during the day from 8 am to 4 pm only accompanied by an adult.


In Belgium, amusement parks will first have to close for the next four weeks. A maximum of 40 people can take part in cultural, religious and other indoor events. If the guaranteed distance is at least one and a half meters, then there may be up to 200 people who must wear a mask. In universities, rooms cannot be used more than 20 percent. A mask is also required here. Exceptions apply in the first year of study. Sports events will again take place without spectators.


In Denmark, the requirement for a mask is introduced in all closed public places. Sale of alcohol after 22:00 is prohibited.


From Saturday, the foreign ministry’s travel warning will apply to all of Austria, with the exception of the federal state of Carinthia and two small exclaves on the border with Germany. If you enter Germany without a current negative corona test result, you will have to leave the quarantine, which, however, can be “disposed of” later. Exceptions apply to commuter train passengers. From November 8, travelers from Austria can only be released from quarantine after five days with a test.


Restaurants in the Czech Republic are closed for a week and a half. However, the Minister of Health, Roman Primula, apparently visited one. The newspaper “Blesk” has photographed the politician and epidemiologist as he leaves a posh restaurant without a mask in the evening. Prime Minister Andrei Babish said Friday that he had asked the 56-year-old employee to resign. If he doesn’t do it himself, he will be fired.

Germany says this:

RKI: Germany breaks 10,000 Covid-19 deaths

Ober-burgomaster warns of possible lockdown: “We don’t have too many options.”

Germany: Expert for completing tracing of chains of infection

Germany: Federal government plans vaccination centers nationwide

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