Maduro demanded that the government review relations with Spain

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Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, after the visit of Spanish Foreign Minister Aranci Gonzalez Laia to the regions bordering Venezuela in Colombia, demanded on Saturday, February 27, that the government seriously review relations with Spain.

“We will deeply reconsider relations with Spain, at all levels – there is enough aggression on their part,” the politician said during his speech, which was broadcast on his page in Twitter

Maduro urged Vice President Dalsey Rodriguez and Bolivarian Foreign Minister Jorge Arreas to start acting in this direction, stressing that those who want good relations with themselves should demonstrate it in relation to Venezuela.

“Get out of Latin America, chancellor of Spain. Go home, Foreign Minister, will have enough humiliation against Venezuela, hypocrisy, abuse, double standards of the Spanish Foreign Minister in favor of the Colombian paramilitaries, the Colombian government, reprisals and massacres, ”the Venezuelan leader stressed.

Earlier, the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry handed notes of protest to the ambassadors of France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain, stressing that these states are acting with special intent, encouraging new sanctions against the republic.

On February 24, Maduro issued an ultimatum to the European Union, in which he stated that Venezuela would never again enter into deals or dialogue with the EU unless it changes its sanctions policy.

On February 24, the representative of the European Union Isabel Brilante Pedroso was declared persona non grata by the Venezuelan authorities and received 72 hours to leave the country. The expulsion decision was made in response to EU sanctions against Caracas.

On February 22, the European Union expanded the sanctions list. Venezuela has also been affected by the new restrictions; 55 people are now blacklisted.

In particular, there were the chairman of the Venezuelan National Electoral Council Indira Alfonso, the vice-chairman of the NIS Leonardo Morales, the head of the Strategic Operational Command of the Venezuelan Armed Forces, Admiral Remigio Ceballos Ichaso, as well as members of the National Assembly and judges.

The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry condemned the “arbitrary” EU sanctions, which “have no legal basis in the norms of international law.”