Lukashenka told in what case he will extradite detained Russians to Ukraine

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President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has assured that he will not extradite the Russian citizens detained in his country to Ukraine until their guilt is proven. “Nobody will betray anyone until the guilt is established, and the party that requests must prove the guilt of these people,” Lukashenka said during an interview on the YouTube channel “Visiting Gordon”.

At the end of July, it became known about the detention of 33 Russians in Belarus, whom Minsk considers to be fighters of the Wagner private military company. The Belarusian authorities accuse them of organizing riots ahead of the presidential elections in the republic scheduled for August 9. Recently, Kiev announced that it will demand the extradition of 28 detained citizens in order to bring them to justice for their involvement in the conflict in Donbass. The issue of their extradition became the subject of discussion between Lukashenko and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

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