Lukashenka spoke about his behavior in childhood

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President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that he was a difficult child. He announced this in an interview with Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon on August 6.

“At our school there was a gang of guys who overturned benches. <...> if something happened somewhere, I was not even at school, they still thought that it was me who organized some kind of “mess”, – said Lukashenko.

Lukashenko shared that he was registered in the children’s room of the police. “The impact was very serious <...> I was not just unpleasant, I was a little afraid of it, and I felt very bad because of my mother,” he said.

Earlier, Alexander Lukashenko said that he was deliberately infected with a coronavirus infection and that an investigation is underway in this direction.

Lukashenko gave an interview to Gordon ahead of the upcoming August 9 presidential elections in the country, in which four more opposition candidates are participating.

On July 28, the Belarusian leader said that he had suffered a coronavirus on his feet and had no symptoms of the disease.

In April, he announced his readiness to personally treat people infected with this infection. He threatened the government with resignation if personal protective equipment was not enough during the pandemic.

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