Lukashenka promised to “fight” for Belarus and keep it for grandchildren

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President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on Tuesday, December 15, during a meeting in Mogilev with the staff of the regional clinical hospital, announced that he would “fight” for his country until the “last riot policeman” and “real doctor” say that he is the head of state I did my job. The video from the meeting was shown by the STV TV channel.

“You will decide everything. I promise you, you will decide everything. Do not believe anyone that Lukashenka is making a constitution for himself there … But no one should think that Lukashenka has folded his hands, and that’s it, he has already thrown everything and left. Until the last riot policeman and the real doctor say: “That’s it, Lukashenka, you’ve done your job,” until then I will fight for this country. I have nothing else but her, ”the Belarusian leader said.

The head of state noted that his main task is “to save the country” and not for himself, but “for the grandchildren, that’s what it is for. And this is my main task. “

Lukashenko is convinced that Belarus “will be in demand as a country”, since it is “the center of Europe, the center of civilization.”

“Geographic center near Polotsk. I’m not making this up, ”he said.

On December 8, Lukashenka announced that the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly should be a constitutional body. The head of state also added that the agenda of the meeting will be finalized after the Christmas holidays. In addition, Lukashenka proposed electing delegates for a five-year term, adding that their role will be higher compared to what was before.

On November 16, the President of Belarus announced that he plans to redistribute the powers of the President according to the current Constitution. He noted that he intends to do this “honestly, fairly, without avoiding responsibility.” On his proposal, the government will develop bills, the parliament will discuss and adopt them, and then submit them for approval to the head of state.

On October 20, Lukashenka promised not to run for president again after the adoption of the new Constitution. The next day, he said that in December, the country’s authorities would discuss the preparation of the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly, which is scheduled for early 2021, during which Lukashenka plans to talk about changes in the Constitution.

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