Lukashenka instructed departments to “categorically prevent” illegal actions

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President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko instructed the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the KGB, the Ministry of Defense and the Prosecutor General’s Office to assess the situation in the republic and “categorically prevent” illegal actions. It was reported on August 15 by the “Belt” agency

On the instructions of the head of state, the siloviki must prevent the implementation of the idea expressed in Lithuania to build a human chain of “not indifferent” from Vilnius to Kiev.

Lukashenko also noted that Belarus does not want to become a “cordon sanitaire” between Russia and the West.

“I already went through this after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when there was an attempt to create the Baltic-Black Sea region – a sanitary zone: the three Baltic states, Belarus, Ukraine, to separate Russia from the West. <...> But all would be fine, but we do not want to be a latrine and someone to sanitize, to be a cordon sanitaire. And we understand what this can lead to. Therefore, with the President of Russia [Владимиром Путиным] we agreed that we will act in cooperation here, ”he said.

Earlier on Saturday, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko discussed the situation in the Republic of Belarus during a telephone conversation. Both sides expressed confidence in an early resolution of the problems.

On the eve of the opposition presidential candidate of Belarus Svetlana Tikhanovskaya announced that she was initiating the creation of a coordinating council to ensure the transfer of power, and asked European countries to help in organizing a dialogue with the Belarusian government.

Mass protests in Belarus began on August 9 after citizens refused to recognize the official election results. The people who took to the streets faced opposition from the security forces, there were injuries on both sides, one civilian was killed.

After brutal attacks by security officials on peaceful protesters, a number of Belarusian enterprises went on strike demanding the cancellation of the voting results.

EU countries announced the introduction of personal sanctions against Belarus due to human rights violations.

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