Legendary pediatric surgeon dies of coronavirus in St. Petersburg

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Ali Bairov, a surgeon at the Children’s City Hospital No. 2 of St. Mary Magdalene, was seriously ill with coronavirus for about two weeks. Despite the fact that Bairov was 75 years old, he did not quit his job in the pandemic and continued to consult and operate on children.

Ali Bairov is considered one of the founders of pediatric surgery in St. Petersburg. A talented physician, he developed the principles of pancreatic surgery in children, which are still used in world practice. The surgeon was consulted in the most difficult cases, and more than once his work saved children.

By the way, Ali Bairov is a hereditary doctor. His father, Girey Aliev, was a well-known pediatric surgeon in the Soviet Union, and Veri Bairov’s mother headed the first department of anesthesiology and intensive care in Leningrad at the KA Raukhfus Children’s City Hospital No. 19.

Ali Bairov died on January 9, 2021. Farewell to the doctor will take place today, January 13, in the hall of the crematorium.

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