Lebanon thanks Russia for help after the explosion in Beirut

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The Lebanese authorities thank their Russian colleagues for their assistance after the explosion in the port of Beirut. This was announced on Friday, August 7, by the Lebanese Ambassador to the Russian Federation, Shawki Bou Nassar.

“First of all, on my own behalf, as the ambassador of a fraternal country, I would like to express my gratitude to Russia and President Vladimir Putin for condolences and solidarity with the Lebanese people in the situation with the catastrophe that has occurred. And also – for the prompt assistance that the Russian Federation sent to Lebanon. It includes five planes on which medicines, specialists, a field hospital and a laboratory for testing for coronavirus arrived in Lebanon, “RIA Novosti quoted Nassar as saying.

He noted that Beirut also hopes for additional assistance from Russia. In particular, for the supply of building materials, including aluminum, glass and wood. In addition, according to the ambassador, the city also needs food, since the grain storage in the port was completely destroyed.

Among other things, Nassar did not rule out that Lebanon could apply to Russia for a loan, if such a need arises, but so far the country’s government has not taken an unambiguous decision on this issue.

The diplomat stressed that Lebanon hopes for Russia’s participation in the international conference, the purpose of which will be to collect funding to help Beirut.

“Lebanon is now receiving aid from a large number of countries, including the fraternal Arab countries and our friendly Russia. Yesterday in Lebanon, President of France Emmanuel Macron was on a visit, who put forward an initiative to organize a conference to collect material assistance to Lebanon. It would be good if Russia took part in this conference, if it does take place, ”Nassar added.

Earlier in the day, Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed with Security Council members the possibility of further assistance to Beirut.

An explosion took place in the port of Beirut on 4 August. Killed, according to the latest data, 154 people and more than 5 thousand were injured. According to Prime Minister Hassan Diab, the explosion was caused by improper storage of ammonium nitrate weighing 2,750 tons in a warehouse in the port.

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