Lebanese Banks Association building on fire in Beirut

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A fire broke out in the building of the Association of Lebanese Banks in Beirut, RIA Novosti reported with reference to the Lebanese TV channel MTV on Saturday, August 8.

The protesters began storming the association building, the Lebanese national news agency said.

Earlier on Saturday, it was reported about the storming of the ministries of energy, foreign affairs, economy and environment of this country.

However, the servicemen forced the protesters to leave the building of the Foreign Ministry, the TV channel reports. MTV

The Lebanese army arrived at the building of the Ministry of Energy.

Earlier on the same day, more than 7 thousand Lebanese went to an anti-government rally in Beirut demanding the resignation of the cabinet and reforms. As a result, there were clashes between protesters and security officials. Some Lebanese media reported shooting in the city.

After the storming of the ministries, people who broke into them destroy documents and dossiers, the TV channel reports. Al mayadeen with reference to sources.

According to the latest figures from the Lebanese branch of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, as a result of the clashes suffered 238 people, 63 taken to hospital. A member of the Lebanese security forces was killed in the clashes.

The explosion in the port area in the Lebanese capital occurred on 4 August. Detonated 2.7 tons of ammonium nitrate during welding. The facades of dozens of buildings were destroyed and damaged. According to seismologists, the power of the explosion was comparable to that of an earthquake of magnitude 4.5.

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