Kyrgyzstan will give a special status of the border with Tajikistan Batken region

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A special status will soon be given to the Batken region of Kyrgyzstan, where an armed border conflict with Tajikistan took place. This was stated on Tuesday, May 4, by the Prime Minister of the Republic Ulukbek Maripov during his visit to the region.

“I signed the corresponding decision and sent it to the parliament for consideration. As soon as it is adopted, the Batken region will receive a special status, including tax preferences, ”the government’s press service quotes the prime minister.

Maripov also assured local residents that a new one would be built to replace the destroyed or burned-out housing. Preliminarily, these are 30 houses in Batken and 70 in Leilek districts.

The head of the Cabinet of Ministers clarified that at present a special commission is counting such houses, as soon as it finishes work, they will begin construction. The work is planned to be completed before the onset of cold weather.

Also, according to Maripov, work continues on the delimitation and demarcation of the state border.

On the eve it became known that the authorities of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have completed the withdrawal of additional forces from the state border. It was reported that the situation on the border between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan is stable.

The conflict began on April 29 between local residents in the area of ​​the Golovnoy water distribution point, whose ownership is disputed by the parties, and escalated into clashes on one of the sections of the border between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan, 36 people died, 183 were injured.

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyzstan, 107 houses, schools, a kindergarten, three checkpoints, ten gas stations and eight shops were destroyed in the border villages of the republic.

On May 1, Bishkek and Dushanbe agreed on a complete ceasefire. On the same day, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan reported that the conflict on the border occurred after the Tajik side installed a video surveillance camera near the water intake.

The General Prosecutor’s Office of Tajikistan opened a criminal case against the military personnel of Kyrgyzstan on the fact of an attack on the Chorkukh community of the city of Isfara, Sughd region.

In turn, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan opened 11 criminal cases on the fact of the armed conflict on the border with Tajikistan, in particular, under the articles “Murder”, “Riots”, “Crimes against the world”, “Hooliganism”, “Illegal border crossing”.