Kuznetsova spoke about the state of an emaciated baby in the Urals

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A six-month-old girl, whom her mother starved and kept in a closet, is in a hospital in serious condition. This was announced on Friday, October 9, by the Commissioner for Children’s Rights under the President of the Russian Federation Anna Kuznetsova.

“The baby is now in serious condition, doctors are fighting for her life. At six months old, the girl weighs only 3 kg. We have already contacted the doctors of the National Medical Research Center of Children’s Health, they are ready to consult Sverdlovsk specialists if necessary, ”REN TV quotes Kuznetsova.

She also offered to transfer the girl to Moscow for treatment. The Ombudsman added that two other children of the family are now with their grandmothers. The mother was admitted to a psychiatric hospital, where she will be examined.

Kuznetsova noted that appropriate appeals had already been sent to the prosecutor’s office of the Sverdlovsk region.

A day earlier it became known that in the Urals, a woman hid a baby in a gym bag for six months. The baby was accidentally discovered by her guests during a feast. It turned out that the girl gave birth at home, she told her friends that the child had died. To get rid of the child, the mother starved him. The newborn was secretly fed by the suspect’s 13-year-old son. A criminal case was opened against the woman.

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