Kravchuk shared his desire to compromise on the situation in Donbass

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The first president of Ukraine, Leonid Kravchuk, who previously headed the Kiev delegation at the negotiations of the contact group on the situation in Donbass, said in an interview with RBC-Ukraine that he was ready to make compromises to resolve the conflict.

“There is only one mission – to end the war, so that peace reigns in Ukraine, so that we live in peace,” the former Ukrainian leader said, assuring that he would do everything for this, even make compromises. At the same time, the ex-head of state did not specify what kind of compromises were being discussed.

On the issue of the special status of Donbass, Kravchuk indicated that he would advocate a transition from general words to “concrete actions.”

Earlier, the ex-president in an interview with the “Apostrof” newspaper said that one of the compromises on the Donbass may involve the creation of a free economic zone in the region. At the same time, he stressed that the compromise cannot be related to the issue of borders, sovereignty, loss of independence or territorial integrity of the country.

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