Kravchuk named four steps to end the conflict in Donbass

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The first president of Ukraine, the representative of Kiev in the contact group on Donbass, Leonid Kravchuk on August 8 announced four steps to resolve the conflict in Donbass. He expressed his opinion on August 8 on the air of Obozrevatel TV.

“We see that this should be done through negotiations – once, through discussions – two, through compromises – three and through appropriate concessions,” the ex-president said.

Kravchuk stressed that Ukraine is ready to make concessions with appropriate steps from the self-proclaimed republics.

“The Ukrainian side is ready to offer and demand that the signatures that have been delivered be respected both by us and by people subordinate to certain structures in those regions. So that we really start a truce seriously and for a long time, not in words, but in deed, ”the politician added.

On August 7, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy assessed the chances of ending the armed conflict in Donbass and told how he plans to end it.

At the talks of the contact group on Donbass in the Minsk format on July 22, the parties agreed on additional measures to “support and observe the current indefinite ceasefire for the entire period until a complete comprehensive settlement of the conflict.” On July 27, the new parameters of a complete ceasefire came into force, and Kravchuk headed Ukraine in the trilateral contact group on settlement.

Since 2014, Kiev has been conducting a military operation against Donbass, whose residents refused to recognize the results of the coup and the new government in Kiev. The settlement issues are being discussed in the Minsk format and at the meetings of the Normandy Four.

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