Kostroma super-janitor received a prize from National Geographic, but did not reveal his incognito

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In recent weeks, the well-known National Geographic magazine has held the YBereguPlaneta competition among its readers and subscribers of the all-Russian scale. In the “Real Action” nomination, the best eco-project was recognized as the activity of a certain Sergei … whose personality remained undisclosed.

It is only known about the winner that he lives in Kostroma, hides under the pseudonym GarbageMan (Scavenger) and for several years has been engaged in making the planet cleaner with his own hands – that is, he removes garbage wherever he appears – that is, in Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Moscow regions, as well as in St. Petersburg and – for some reason – in Georgia.

At the same time, Sergei-GarbageMan never takes off his mask – so only he himself knows who he is, in fact … well, and also the National Geographic edition, which paid the winner a cash prize … but did not reveal the secret of his identity.

As for Sergei himself, to a direct question – why, after all, he did not take off his mask even during the award ceremony, he replied that anonymous characters are good because they draw attention to a public problem, and not to his own person.

Oh how!

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