Kirov region came out fourth in milk sales

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In the Kirov region, the average daily milk yield per cow is 22.3 kg, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the region.

Milk yield per day of 22 kg and more was obtained in agricultural organizations of 15 districts of the region. Kumensk farms are still in the lead – 27.4 kg per day from one cow. In the Slobodskoy region, milk yield was 24.8 kg, in Orichevsky – 24.2 kg. 24 kg are provided by urban cows, 23.8 kg – from Pizhansk. In the Urzhum region, the milk yield is 23.2 kg, in the Sunsky and Vyatskopolyansky – 23.1 kg.

– The Kirov region confidently ranks fourth in Russia in terms of milk sales and seventh in terms of productivity, according to the website of the regional government.