Kalmyk search engines conducted training sessions in the battle areas of the 110th Cavalry Division

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The search engines of the republic conducted a field training watch in the battle areas of the 110th Separate Kalmyk Cavalry Division in the Rostov Region.

In July 1942, bloody heavy battles for the Caucasus began on the left bank of the Don. The 110th Separate Kalmyk Cavalry Division (OKKD) conducted defense on a sector of the front 58 kilometers long and 40 kilometers deep – between the villages of Bagaevskaya and Semikarakorskaya Rostov regions. It was tasked with facilitating the crossing of the Don by the retreating units of the Red Army and holding back the onslaught of the enemy, who was rushing to Stalingrad and the Caucasus. Kalmyk cavalrymen stood to death, sprinkling blood on literally every inch of the earth, and within two days they ensured the crossing of the Soviet troops in the area of ​​the village of Razdorskaya.

As military historians write, only “85 thousand people crossed the floating bridge, over 30 thousand were transported by pontoons, more than 1200 cars, 120 tractors, 90 guns, 15 tanks and many other cargoes were transported.” Sergeant Erdni Delikov, who was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, performed his immortal feat here.

Every year, fighters from the Kalmykia Search Detachments Association come to these places to honor the memory of their fellow countrymen and conduct a field training watch. Today, despite the restrictive measures in connection with the covid pandemic, the search engines, taking with them an exact copy of the banner of the 110th Cavalry Division, walked along the entire line of defense lines and bowed to memorials dedicated to the fallen soldiers.

More than 40 fighters took part in the action, including pupils of the “Search Engine School” of the Elista Palace of Children’s Art and military-patriotic clubs of the republic. The guys saw with their own eyes the places of battles of the 110th Cavalry Division, met with local search engines and eyewitnesses of military events, who told about the heroic deed of our fellow countrymen on the Don. They also consolidated their skills in working with maps, historical and archival data, and carried out work to clean up the territories of memorial structures.

According to the head of the Kalmykia search unit association Dmitry Khalkhinov, the autumn phase of the Memory Watch will start in mid-August and the Scorched Wings project will begin, dedicated to the attack pilots who died in Kalmykia. This project, as reported by Moskovsky Komsomolets in Kalmykia, received support from the Presidential Grants Fund.

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