Kalmyk prosecutor’s office defended the rights of a wheelchair user

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The Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan checked the appeal of an Elista about the violation of the right of his wife, a wheelchair user, to an accessible urban environment.

It was found that the state of the territory near their house does not meet the requirements of building codes: only a part of the sidewalk and the complete absence of road surface were revealed.

According to the press service of the supervisory agency, according to GOST R 52766-2007 “Public automobile roads. Elements of arrangement “sidewalks or pedestrian paths are arranged on paved roads passing through settlements.

On the roads of categories I-III according to GOST R 52398, sidewalks are mandatory on all sections passing through settlements, regardless of the intensity of pedestrian traffic, as well as on approaches to settlements from recreation areas with a pedestrian traffic intensity exceeding 200 people per day.

The Prosecutor’s Office sent information about the need to provide free access for a disabled person to the urban environment to the Elista administration.

Based on the results of its consideration, the city administration of municipal services and administrative and technical control issued a production assignment to the DRSU “Elista-Avtodor”. Pavement arrangement works completed.

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