Kalmyk cores will be operated on in Moscow

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Today, cardiac surgeons at the National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A.N. Bakulev of the Ministry of Health of Russia visited the republican hospital named after I. P.P. Zhemchuev in Elista and examined patients suffering from chronic heart failure, heart defects and pathology of the ascending aorta.

“Our center annually consults up to 15 thousand people and performs more than five thousand operations,” said Vladimir Mironenko, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Reconstructive Surgery and Aortic Root. – In the work, it is important to closely interact with therapists and cardiologists, who must promptly refer the patient for treatment.

In Kalmykia, coronary angiography and stenting are performed with high quality. Help in the treatment of acute coronary syndrome, without exaggeration, meets international standards. But there is a difficulty in treating patients with heart valves, aortic aneurysms, combined pathologies, so we want to help. “

According to the press service of the republican hospital, during the reception by Professor Mironenko and cardiac surgeons Anton Andreev and our fellow countryman Tseren Badmaev, who completed his clinical residency at the Bakulev Center last year, more than 50 people were examined.

“We have been cooperating with Moscow cardio specialists for several years now,” emphasized the chief therapist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Oktyabrina Tyaginova. – Consultations are carried out to ensure the availability of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the circulatory system. Moreover, our doctors take advanced training courses at the center. “

Note that high-tech surgeries are very expensive, but they cost patients free of charge – at the expense of the federal budget.

As a result of the admission, patients with complex cardiac pathologies were selected, who will be provided with high-tech medical care in Moscow.

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