Japan Cancels NPP Incident Prevention Exercise Due to COVID

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The Japanese authorities have canceled the planned for the 2020 financial year (will end on March 31, 2021) exercises to prevent incidents of nuclear power plants due to the threat of the spread of COVID-19. This was announced on February 5 by the Kyodo agency.

The exercise was to take place at the Onagawa nuclear power plant in Migyai prefecture in northeastern Japan. However, due to the introduction of a local emergency regime, it was decided to cancel the exercises.

It is noted that such exercises are held annually at one of the local nuclear power plants.

On December 28, it was reported that in Japan until the end of January, citizens from most countries were banned from entering the territory of the state, amid fears of a new coronavirus mutation spreading around the world. The exception is foreigners permanently residing in the state.

In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection in Tokyo and 10 other prefectures of Japan, restaurants and bars are open until 20:00, and the supply of alcohol stops an hour before that.

These restrictions will expire on February 7, but the measures are expected to be extended for another month.

The COVID-19 situation in Japan has worsened since the beginning of November 2020, and in December, the daily growth and mortality records were regularly updated.

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