Italy: “a summer to forget” for tourism, 65 million fewer nights

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The summer of 2020 is “a summer to forget for tourism” in Italy, lamented the association representing the sector on Saturday, with 65 million overnight stays estimated less compared to last year due to the epidemic again coronavirus.

The number of Italians who took vacations in the country this summer increased slightly (+ 1.1%), but the drop in the number of foreigners was massive (-65.9%), according to a survey by the Center d Florence tourist studies (CTS), carried out with 1975 entrepreneurs in the sector.

“The slight recovery of the Italian market in August is not enough to save the summer of 2020, which remains a season to forget for tourism”, underlined the association Assoturismo Confesercenti.

“During the June-August quarter, the presence in the accommodation establishments declared in Italy was 148.5 million, more than 65 million less than in 2019 (-30.4%)”, a- he clarified.

From a turnover point of view, companies report a significant decrease, 37.5% on average compared to the same period in 2019.

“Companies are hoping for an extension of the summer season into September and a gradual return of foreigners, although news of an increase in contagions has slowed bookings and in some cases caused cancellations,” noted Vittorio Messina , president of Assoturismo Confesercenti.

He called on the government to “extend support to the sector, facing a new season of uncertainty”.

Tourism is an essential sector for the Italian economy as it usually contributes around 13% of the country’s GDP.

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