Israeli strike on Gaza after rocket fire

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The Israeli military carried out an air raid on a Hamas position in the Gaza Strip on Monday evening in response to rocket fire from the Palestinian enclave, according to a military statement.

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This raid in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, caused damage but no injuries, according to Palestinian security sources.

The rocket fired earlier in the evening from the Gaza Strip, controlled by Islamists Hamas into Israel, did not claim any casualties, according to the IDF. The shooting was not claimed by any Palestinian group.

The last rocket fire against Israeli territory from the Palestinian enclave dates back to September 15 during the signing ceremony at the White House of the normalization agreements between two Arab Gulf countries: the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain and Israel.

The Gaza Strip is a Palestinian territory under Israeli blockade and controlled by Hamas, an organization considered “terrorist” by Israel.

In power in Gaza since 2007, Hamas stepped up in August the launching of incendiary balloons and rocket fire at Israel, which responded with airstrikes on the group’s positions.

But the two camps reached an agreement at the beginning of September, thanks to mediation by Qatar, in order to cease hostilities and put back on track a fragile truce in force for about a year and a half and favored by the mediation also of the UN and Egypt.

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