Irina’s birthday: what absolutely must not be done on October 1

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On October 1, the Orthodox Church commemorates the martyr Irina (Arina).

It is known that this saint lived in Egypt in the 3rd century. She suffered for her faith in Christ during the reign of the pagan emperor Aurelian.

The people called this day Arina Shipovnitsa. Our ancestors today took up the collection of rose hips. Rosehip berries were harvested for the winter – dried.

Today, all women, girls and girls named Irina or Arina have a name day.

According to existing beliefs, you cannot leave your home for a long time on Arina Shipovnitsa. People believed that in the absence of owners, evil spirits can penetrate into the house, and along with them – and misfortune into the family. Any visits to guests should be rescheduled for another, more favorable date.

It is strictly forbidden on this day to leave a child who has not yet turned seven years old alone in the room. This can lead to illness in the child.

You can’t brag about Arina Rosehip, otherwise success will turn away from you. You can’t get angry and quarrel.

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