“Iranian Angelina Jolie” was released from prison on bail

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Iranian Instagram star Fatime Hishwand (pseudonym Sugar Tabar), known as “Zombie – Angelina Jolie”, who was sentenced to ten years in prison for photographs on the social network, was released from prison. This was reported on Friday, December 18, by the Mirror.

According to the newspaper, the girl was released from custody just a few days after the harsh sentence was announced due to “massive pressure from the media.” Her family had to pay bail. Initially, Khishwand was refused release on such conditions, although other prisoners with similar charges were given the opportunity to post bail, the newspaper notes.

Currently, Fatime has returned to Tehran, to her family.

The 19-year-old became famous for taking photographs with her “emaciated face”. For her unusual appearance she was nicknamed “the zombie double of the actress Angelina Jolie”, to whom she sought to become like. More than 480 thousand people have subscribed to Khishvand.

On December 11, a court charged the blogger with blasphemy, incitement to violence, as well as generating income in unacceptable ways and encouraging corruption among young people, and sentenced him to 10 years in prison.

At the same time, Iranian journalist Masih Alinejad published in Twitter a post in which she called on the American actress to stand up for the blogger.

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