Investigators began to extract the remains of the victims of the Nazis at Stalingrad

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The Investigative Committee of Russia reported that, as part of the genocide case during the Great Patriotic War, it began to extract the remains of those killed by the Nazis near Stalingrad (Volgograd Region). This was announced on Friday, July 31st, on the agency’s website.

“For three weeks, painstaking preparatory work was carried out, first of all, to find the places of mass burial of Stalingrad residents and refugees who died at the hands of the German fascist invaders. <...>The bodies of the shot women, old people and children were found by local residents literally a kilometer from the neighboring village. <...> The remains of the bodies of 13 victims, including children and babies, have already been recovered, ”the UK said in a statement.

It is noted that bullet injuries were found on the bodies, and even a visual inspection leaves no doubt among experts that the death of these citizens is of a criminal nature.

The Investigative Committee clarified that the investigation on the outskirts of the village of Vodino will be completed when 43 refugees are raised, including 19 children, information about which is contained in the commission’s act of 1942.

“In the meantime, employees of the regional department of the Russian IC, together with a search squad, will begin excavating the next known site of mass extermination of civilians,” the department added.

On July 9, investigators opened a criminal case under the article “Genocide” after studying archival materials about the massacres of civilians during the Great Patriotic War (WWII) in the Stalingrad region, which in 1961 was renamed the Volgograd region.

According to the materials studied by the investigators, at least 15 places of mass graves of people are located on the territory of Volgograd and the region. About 1,800 civilians are buried in common graves, who were killed with particular cruelty by the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War.

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