Investigative Committee did not initiate a case against the St. Petersburg security officer who hit a woman in the stomach

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The Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not see in the actions of the security officer who kicked the woman in the stomach, signs of corpus delicti. The fact that a criminal case will not be initiated against the security officer who sent Margarita Yudina to a hospital bed, said human rights activist Dinar Idrisov

“Today, a month after I submitted my applications to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, I visited the indicated departments and learned that no one is going to initiate a criminal case on the fact of injury on January 23 by policeman Margarita Yudina on Vosstaniya Square in St. – said Idrisov on his Facebook page.

According to the human rights activist, the investigators did not see in the actions of the “secret” police officer (the security officials refused to name the officer’s name) signs of a crime under Part 3 of Article “Exceeding Official Powers”.

“They watch the video through special optics, apparently as“ fogged up ”as it was taken from“ Kolya ”who had taken it down (to Yudin – ed.) With a kick in the stomach. I hope that on Monday I will receive a copy of the decree refusing to initiate a criminal case, and within a month I will get acquainted with the materials of the check. Moral responsibility “Kolya” cannot be avoided, unless they could not establish his identity “, – said Idrisov.

He noted that the demands to initiate a criminal case against the security official were also sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the TFR by the deputies of the city and regional LAWs, as well as the Ombudsman for Human Rights in St. Petersburg. None of them received answers to their appeals.

As a reminder, a 55-year-old resident of Luga Margarita Yudina received a punch in the stomach during an uncoordinated march in St. Petersburg on January 23, 2021. The woman stood in the way of the security forces leading the detainee to the paddy wagon. One of the policemen “cleared” the road by hitting the woman in the stomach.

In St. Petersburg, a policeman kicked a woman in the stomach: the video is being studied by the police

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From Vosstaniya Square, Yudina, who suffered a head injury during the fall, was taken to the Dzhanelidze Emergency Research Institute.

“The primary material of the check was registered on January 23, upon receipt of a telephone message from the hospital, where Yudina was delivered. The next day, the material of the check was received on my oral report to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, later a statement of the crime was filed in writing by me in the 76th police department. All three materials have been combined. According to my statement, after the initial check, they should have been redirected to the Investigative Committee. But the primary material of the check was not sent to any Investigative Committee, and on January 29 he left for the Internal Security Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg “, – Dinar Idrisov said.

From the intensive care unit, Margarita Yudina was quickly transferred to the ward, where the police were allowed to enter. Law enforcement officials apologized to the woman. She forgave them. But soon after she was discharged from the hospital, she said that she had not forgiven anyone. The woman’s defenders were provided by the “Team 29” organization. Soon after that, Yudina was again admitted to the hospital. And since the regional officials had questions about the living conditions of the underage daughter Margarita (they live in the kitchen of a private house, since the family does not have the money to warm up the whole house), she was transported to some safe place.

On February 24, materials on the Yudina case were returned to the 76th police department. Not a single department saw any signs of illegal behavior in the actions of the policeman. Investigators Georgy Titov and Irina Koprova promised Dinar Idrisov to provide copies of the refusal to initiate a criminal case. This should happen on March 1st.

Now, as Team 29 reported, Margarita Yudina is at home, nothing threatens her health. Together with lawyers, she plans to continue to fight for the protection of her rights.

Unauthorized rally on January 23: best shots

Unauthorized rally on January 23: best shots

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