Instead of masks, visitors to the strip club came with a Kalashnikov assault rifle

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By admin

Two residents of Orange County, California, Edgar Nava-Ayala and Daniel Ocampo, came to walk and have fun at a strip club in Anaheim.

But nothing happened, since they were without medical masks, and this institution required visitors to wear them when entering. As a result of the conflict, both were kicked out of the club. They left, but soon returned, though not with masks, but with … an AK-47 Kalashnikov assault rifle, from which they began to shoot at the club building. As it later turned out, 15 bullets were fired, as a result of which two employees of the club and a visitor were injured. Law enforcement found the shooters and arrested them. They did not admit their guilt. For assault with a firearm, they face a long prison sentence, possibly life imprisonment. Together with them, another man was arrested, 20-year-old Juan Acosta-Soto, who brought the attackers to the club building. He was accused of involvement in this crime, for which he could receive up to 17 years in prison.

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 0 dated November 30 -0001

Newspaper headline:
The dispute ended with shooting

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