In Tula, parents wanted to leave their children without shared property

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The Prosecutor’s Office of the Proletarsky District of Tula checked how the requirements of the legislation on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors are being observed. This is reported by the prosecutor’s office of the Tula region.

The supervisory authority found that the Tula received a state certificate for mother capital after the birth of her second child. Then the woman and her husband filed an application so that the funds of the capital would go to purchase an apartment. The family wanted to improve their living conditions.

However, the spouses did not fulfill their notarized obligation to register the dwelling into common shared ownership with the children.

To protect the rights of minors, the prosecutor went to court with a lawsuit. Parents must register the living quarters in the common shared ownership of parents and children.

The prosecutor’s demands were satisfied. Currently, the court decision has been executed, the housing rights of minors have been restored.

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