According to the information that the Yar.Politika2.0 telegram channel operates, the Kremlin political strategist Grigory Kazankov visited the Yaroslavl region.
The purpose of the visit of the political technology guru is to assess the ratings of candidates in 194 constituencies. The conclusions so far are disappointing – the candidate from United Russia, Andrei Kovalenko, has been able to gain no more than 10 percent of the additional rating since spring. Although he regularly holds dozens of meetings and tirelessly does good deeds.
Candidates Anatoly Lisitsyn and Yelena Kuznetsova campaign less brightly, but the former governor and the representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation also have higher ratings. Well, at least that’s what Yar thinks. Politika 2.0, which, according to rumors, belongs to Aleksey Yakovlev, whose publication in these elections is supported by the Communist Party.
In any case, Andrei Kovalenko will have to step up the pace in the election race. As a person with an athletic character, he is probably ready to fight to the very end, regardless of any ratings.