African American Ronnie Long was released from a North Carolina prison 44 years after the sentencing, which he considers erroneous. In 1967, he was charged with rape and burglary. All these acts, according to the court, were drawn to life imprisonment.
However, Long argues that he did not commit crimes, and the jury was biased due to racial prejudice. The verdict was overturned by a federal court. In favor of the African American, the police deliberately tried to hide evidence of the case. However, the charges against Long have not been finally dropped. His fate will be decided by a lower court.
While Long is a free man. Immediately after his release from prison, he told reporters that he wanted macaroni and cheese, beef ribs, salad and some lemonade, CNN reports. The hardest thing for a man is the fact that his mother did not live to see her son’s release. She passed away six weeks before his release from prison.