In the United States, police shot a black man during arrest

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In the US state of Louisiana, police officers shot and killed a black man while being detained, ABC television reported on August 22.

The incident took place in the city of Lafayette. The state police said the officers arrived at the small shop following reports of a man with a knife who threatened the seller and customers. The attacker, who turned out to be 31 year old Trayford Pellerin. He tried to escape, and the police used electric shockers, but this measure was ineffective.

After an armed man tried to enter another store, the police started shooting. This moment was filmed by eyewitnesses of the incident. The footage published on social networks shows how several law enforcement officers surround the young man when he tries to enter the store and shoot him at close range.

After reviewing the materials, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) called the incident “a terrible incident of police violence against a black man”, which led to the death of a man. The organization also demanded an investigation into the murder.

At the end of May, mass actions against racism and police brutality began in the United States against the background of the death of black George Floyd in Minneapolis during his arrest. The rallies soon escalated into clashes with the police, looting and vandalism. In some American cities, activists began to demolish monuments to historical figures.

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