In the Chelyabinsk region on Friday, August 7, partly cloudy. Forecasters predict small rains and thunderstorms in places. Day air temperature +28, +33. East wind 4-9 meters per second, during thunderstorms gusts up to 17.
Partly cloudy weather is expected in Chelyabinsk today, mostly rainless. In the afternoon +30, +32. East wind 4-9 meters per second.
The coming night in the region is cloudy with clearings, rains. Thunderstorms in some areas. Air temperature +14, +19. The wind from the east with a transition to the south-east 4-9 meters per second, with thunderstorms gusts up to 14. In Chelyabinsk at night it will be cloudy with clearings, light rain. Air temperature +17, +19. East wind 4-9 meters per second.