In the Russian Federation and China, they thought about joint trials of vaccines against COVID-19

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Chinese Ambassador to Moscow Zhang Hanhui said that Russian and Chinese pharmaceutical companies are discussing joint clinical trials of coronavirus vaccines.

The diplomat noted that when developing a vaccine, China aims to cooperate with countries in need of it.

“We are pleased to note that Russia has recently successfully completed the first phase of clinical trials of a coronavirus vaccine. Chinese and Russian pharmaceutical companies and research groups are actively communicating about joint clinical trials of vaccines, “RIA Novosti quotes the ambassador.

Beijing, as Hanhui noted, hopes, together with Moscow, against the background of the “discrediting” of the Russian Federation and the PRC from the US and other Western countries, to promote cooperation in the field of research and development of vaccines in the future within the framework of cross-years of scientific, technical and innovation partnership.

The day before it became known that the coronavirus vaccine, which was developed at the Gamaleya Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, is at the stage of state registration. On the same day, the head of the laboratory of the Vector Scientific Center, Ilnaz Imatdinov, said that mass industrial production of vaccines against infection is not expected until the end of 2020.

On July 22, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said that 17 scientific organizations in the country have developed more than 26 types of vaccines, four of which have proven their safety. The head of government expressed hope that a ready-made vaccine against this virus will appear in the fall.

The spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes the COVID-19 disease, began at the end of December last year. The Chinese city of Wuhan became the hotbed of infection. For several months, the disease has spread to more than 210 countries of the world. On March 11, WHO announced a coronavirus pandemic.

According to the statistics bureau Worldometer on July 30, there are more than 17.2 million patients with diagnosed coronavirus in the world, the number of deaths was 670,963, and over 10.7 million people have recovered.

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